PMG has received funding from the Yukon Geological Survey to evaluate 'alternative mineals' in the Indian River placer gold minng area
The Indian River gold placers are
expanding to become a major producer in the Yukon Territory. However the
mineralogy of the heavy minerals co-collected with the gold is unique in the
region. The presence of cassiterite and ilmenite has been confirmed and
concentrations of 4 and 2%,
respectively, have been recorded at one locality on the Indian River,
downstream of the mouth of Quartz Creek. At present, the lithological source of
these minerals remains unclear and it is not possible to predict the range of
distribution of these minerals in the placers or their potential dispersion
pattern. Recent studies of placer –lode gold relationships in the southern
Klondike and Indian River mining areas have suggested that gold is being
liberated from in situ occurrences at the present erosional level. This raises
the possibility any very fine gold present in the source remains in the
proximal placers. This project will also evaluate the potential for fine gold
in the Indian River placers using a methodology designed to eradicate the
nugget effect and to generate reliable grade data according to size ranges
relevant for the subsequent design of processing routes.